Sleep well - be happy.
Written by GrandMaster on Tuesday, July 29, 2008 at 9:13 AM
We all need a good sleep, it is when you look in the mirror and see the signs, if you do not! The people around you may also be influenced by your lack of sleep, that your mood May not be a good thing, your concentration and communications are poor and your patience could not exist. Everyone needs a different amount of sleep every night, but we all know that if we did not have the right amount. Keep a track of your sleep and model at the end of a week, see if you in your work better. This May-a sign that you slept well. We all have moments when the world try to sabotage your beauty sleep "and, although it is beyond our control, there are some things we can do to help: * In addition to noise - to close the windows or use earplugs. * Heat - a proper temperature, for you is a must for a good sleep * The poor quality of air - try to make a drying agent or a fan. * The interruptions - closing the door, the phone off, possibly to your mobile phone to silent mode. * Day of light - wearing glasses of blood platelets, or the use of thick curtains to block a portion of the light * Over Active spirit - listening to chill-out music or try a bath with aromatherapy. * In the course of the afternoon - not eating too late in the day and drink plenty of water soft. Loss of sleep can increase hunger and also your metabolism of the body, the May to discourage or to lose, participate in weight. The people lose sleep in May continue to feel hungry, despite the correct food intake because their loss of sleep has been shown to the isolation of cortisol, a hormone that regulates appetite. Make sure that your good sleep as often as possible and be happy! Tony Duke is a physical activity instructor and consultant for health and social services and the sector is a reference-GP consultant. He and his wife Zoe manage Vitalyz Limited, in health and social services sector by the United Kingdom.
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